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11 Things Floridians Don’t Need After Retirement

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Retirement is a valued goal for many hardworking Americans. According to a survey by Lincoln Financial Group, 60% of retirees would go back in time and change the way they planned their retirement if they could.

While retirement dreams often focus on gains, the reality may involve letting go of certain things. But, surprisingly, bidding farewell to some of them may bring you as a Floridian unexpected joy.

1: Saving for Retirement

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Photo Credit: StockPhotoPro via

In theory, you will have saved enough money during your career to comfortably fund your retirement. But since the act of saving money disappears come retirement, transitioning to living off your savings isn’t always psychologically easy.

Senior strategic policy advisor David John at the AARP Public Policy Institute even describes the transition from saver to spender as being “almost physically painful.”

2: Dress Pant Shopping

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Photo Credit: George via

Employees reaching retirement age may have experienced a glimpse of remote or hybrid office life. But for the majority of their careers, dressing up for the office was part of many Americans’ routines.

That said, once retirement comes along, gone are the days when you need to head to the professional section of clothing stores to pick out office attire. That may or may not be a good thing in your eyes, but this situation surely is: All those battles with ironing your dress shirts also disappear during retirement.

3: Impromptu Coworker Outings

Two women gossiping.
Photo Credit: pressmaster via

Need to vent about something? You’ll lose the ability to turn to a coworker and take a quick walk to get it out of your system. Invitations for Friday night outings with coworkers will also be out the window (or, at least, require more planning with former coworkers).

4: Space From Your Spouse

Woman making a heart with her hands.
Photo Credit: K Abrahams/ via

If you live at home with a spouse who’s also retired, having long chunks of time apart from them might disappear unless you actively work on building in time to do your own thing. According to Psychology Today, couples agreeing to provide space to one another often have stronger relationships, as it gives each person time for personal growth and introspection.

5: Frequent Trips to the Gas Station

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Photo Credit: kittisak via

Filling up on gas (or recharging your electric vehicle battery) won’t completely go away during retirement. But unless you plan on road-tripping around the U.S., there’s a good chance frequent stops at the gas station will become a distant memory once you retire.

6: Packing Lunches

Woman holding a sandwich.
Photo Credit: Farknot Architect via

After retiring, the word “lunch box” might bring back the permeating smell of soggy bologna sandwiches. The good news? You can make non-soggy bologna sandwiches at home or save money by eating other food in your kitchen instead of going out to eat at lunchtime.

7: Excuse of Working

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Photo Credit: Katleho Seisa/ via

Depending on how one approaches it, retirement doesn’t always equate to having tons of extra time. However, children, friends, and others might expect that since you no longer have a “real” job, you can be at their beck and call when they need help. Whereas in the past you might have been able to use working late at the office or being tired from being at the office as a socially acceptable reason for declining a loved one’s request, you might have to take more time to explain the reason behind your “no” once you retire.

8: Ultra-High Taxes

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Photo Credit: zimmytws via

Since retirement usually comes with a lower annual income, your years of paying the highest tax rates of your life are likely behind you. Furthermore, once you hit 65 to 67, you can expect tax breaks. Depending on the state where you live, they could be in the form of exemptions, tax credits, deferrals, and rate freezes.

9: Routine

Couple riding bycicles.
Photo Credit: Syda Productions via

Love it or hate it, Northwestern Medicine says that routine is vital for a healthy life. It can help you better manage stress, sleep better, and eat healthier. So, given that the transition from working to retirement makes the routine you used to have disappear, it’s vital you work on establishing a new routine.

10: A Portion of Your Identity

Team looking at data.
Photo Credit: fizkes via

A job becomes a part of a worker’s identity, especially if they’re doing something they’re proud of. Transitioning from saying “I’m a (insert title here)” to “I used to be a (insert title here)” can be jarring for some retirees. Finding a new purpose and identity or building upon what you already have (such as volunteering in the field you used to work in) can be a great way to offset this change.

11: Paying Full Price

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Photo Credit: gargantiopa via

Many businesses offer senior discounts to their customers, and you might not have to wait until you hit 67 years old to take advantage of them. McDonald’s offers senior discounts at participating stores to customers 55+ years old. Kohl’s, Ross Dress for Less, and Rite Aid are other businesses offering senior discounts.

Partially Retired

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Photo Credit: insta_photos via

According to Federal Reserve data, 27% of Americans in 2022 stated that they were retired, although 4% were still working in some capacity. Retirees with a bachelor’s degree were more likely to be still working (18%) compared to retirees with a high school diploma or less (9%).

Empty Retirement Accounts

Man holding an empty wallet.
Photo Credit: perfectlab via

Nearly 50% of American households had $0 in retirement account savings in 2022. That’s an especially troubling number given that in 1989, about half of working households with people ages 50 to 60 had a defined benefit plan through their employer. The percentage plummeted to about 25% in 2022.

National Average

Map of the US with a magnifying glass.
Photo Credit: amazing studio via

The median retirement savings for working-age households is about $95,776. That includes money Americans have saved on their own for retirement as well as employer-sponsored contributions. Social security benefits aren’t included in this number, as it’s not considered a part of traditional retirement savings.

Age Breakdown

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Photo Credit: ARAMYAN via

According to Vanguard, the average balance in their customers’ retirement savings by age group is as follows:

  • 25 and younger: $6,264
  • 25 – 34: $37,211
  • 35 – 44: $97,020
  • 45 – 54: $179,200
  • 55 – 64: $256,244
  • 65+: $279,997

Reality Check

Sad man.
Photo Credit: Viacheslav Yakobchuk via

Financial planning service Fidelity recommends that Americans save 10x their income by the time they reach 67 years old. They add the caveat that the exact amount you should save for retirement depends on the age you retire and the lifestyle you want to have in your golden years.

Still Time

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Photo Credit: Nicholas F/ via

Are you younger than 67 years old? If so, Fidelity recommends saving the following amounts by the time you reach these benchmarks:

  • 30 years old: 1x your starting salary
  • 35 years old: 2x your starting salary
  • 40 years old: 3x your starting salary
  • 45 years old: 4x your starting salary
  • 50 years old: 6x your starting salary
  • 55 years old: 7x your starting salary
  • 60 years old: 8x your starting salary

11 Things Floridians Don’t Need After Retirement

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New Yorkers Least Likely to Get Married, Study Reveals

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Marriage is one of the biggest talks to have in a relationship. It’s an ultimate show of commitment, which leads to a large celebration and, of course, a lot of paperwork. 

You might not know it, but where you live in the U.S. can influence your marriage chances. Factors like individual states’ economies and how easily you can get married affect how likely a couple is to tie the knot.

Law firm Schmidt & Clark broke down the numbers, determining the 10 states where lovebirds are the most and least likely to get married. It may or may not surprise New Yorkers that residents of the Empire State aren’t as keen on tying the knot.

Analyzing Marriage Trends

Bride and groom.
Photo Credit: Viktar Vysotski via

Schmidt & Clark used data from the American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. They analyzed the marriage history of residents above 15 years old in each state to identify the percentage of married people.

Marriage history included the percentage of residents who never married as well as those who married. Schmidt & Clark also took into account the number of times married people got remarried. They then used the figures to rank the ten states where Americans are the most likely to get married. 

The data used in Schmidt & Clark’s ranking differs from other marriage data. As a comparison, in a 2023 report, Nevada ranked above other states when counting marriage rates, with 26.2 per 1,000 people.

With those numbers in consideration, does living in Nevada, the home of drive-thru marriages, increase someone’s chances of getting married? 

1: Wyoming

Sun setting behind snowcap mountains in Wyoming national park.
Photo Credit: Sean Xu via
  • Population aged 15+: 468,774
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 72.25%

2: Idaho

Mountains in Idaho.
Photo Credit: Krzysztof Wiktor via
  • Population aged 15+: 1,480,536
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 71.60%

3: Maine

Bass Head Light in Acadia National Park, Maine.
Photo Credit: Zak Zeinert via
  • Population aged 15+: 1,162,396
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 71.07%

4: West Virginia

Bridge in West Virginia.
Photo Credit: Barry via
  • Population aged 15+: 1,497,896
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 70.89%

5: Arkansas

Arkansas aerial view of mountains and river.
Photo Credit: ODell Outside via
  • Population aged 15+: 2,442,992
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 70.68%

6: Kentucky

Horse farm in Kentucky.
Photo Credit: aheflin via
  • Population aged 15+: 3,666,715
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 70.22%

7: Montana

Glacier National Park, Montana
Photo Credit: IcemanJ via
  • Population aged 15+: 900,746
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 70.17%

8: Oklahoma

Bison grazing.
Photo Credit: Phoenix via
  • Population aged 15+: 3,182,436
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 69.83%

9: New Hampshire

New Hampshire road winding through mountains in the fall.
Photo Credit: Winston Tan via
  • Population aged 15+: 1,172,273
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 69.74%

10: Kansas

Arkansas hiker on cliff overlooking mountains.
Photo Credit: Sono Creative via
  • Population aged 15+: 2,356,216
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 69.33%

Least Likely To Marry

Couple watching TV.
Photo Credit: bernardbodo via

Schmidt & Clark also ranked the 10 states where Americans are the least likely to get married. They measured the percentage of residents over 15 years old who married at least once in each state. 

In 2023, it was reported that Louisiana had the lowest marriage rate with 4.4 marriages per 1,000 people. Do lower marriage numbers in the Bayou State decrease Louisianians’ chances of getting married? 

1: Georgia

Live oak trees in Savannah, Georgia.
Photo Credit: Wollwerth Imagery via
  • Population aged 15+: 8,659,259
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 35.12%

2: Connecticut

Connecticut lighthouse on rocky coastline.
Photo Credit: enfig via
  • Population aged 15+: 3,009,682
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 35.55%

3: Maryland

Maryland countryside with cornfields and farms.
Photo Credit: Ronald via
  • Population aged 15+: 5,036,900
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 35.62%

4: Illinois

Road in the fall in Illinois.
Photo Credit: nejdetduzen via
  • Population aged 15+: 10,445,144
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 35.88%

5: New Mexico

Hot air balloons flying in Albuquerque.
Photo Credit: Emeric’s Timelapse via
  • Population aged 15+: 1,723,724
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 36.25%

6: Louisiana

Boat on Louisiana lake at sundown.
Photo Credit: Bonnie Taylor Barry via
  • Population aged 15+: 3,741,120
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 36.27%

7: Massachusetts

Lake in Massachusetts surrounded by fall foliage.
Photo Credit: jayyuan via
  • Population aged 15+: 5,868,418
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 37.14%

8: California

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Photo Credit: ALF photo via
  • Population aged 15+: 32,116,602
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 37.76%

9: Rhode Island

Middletown, Rhode Island.
Photo Credit: Faina Gurevich via
  • Population aged 15+: 924,051
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 38.06%

10: New York

Long Island, New York.
Photo Credit: Joe Trentacosti via
  • Population aged 15+: 16,577,147
  • Percentage of residents aged 15+ ever married: 38.61%

Wedding Cost Impact

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Photo Credit: Alexander via

According to recent data, the average wedding cost in New York is about $33,000, the tenth highest out of all states. In a separate report, New Jersey has the highest average wedding cost, at approximately $51,000

Utah, Oklahoma, and Kansas tied for the lowest average wedding cost at $16,000. While Utah didn’t rank on either list, Oklahoma and Kansas made it in the top states where Americans are most likely to get married.

Experts warn that the guest list sizes have the biggest effect on wedding costs. A guest size of up to 50 people can cost around $14,000. Inviting more than 100 people to a wedding costs upwards of $38,000.

Marriage Rates Against Divorces

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Photo Credit: snowing12 via

While Wyoming and Idaho topped the list of states where Americans are most likely to get married, both states also have high divorce rates. According to data from the 2021 U.S. Census, Idaho’s divorce rate was the highest among all states, with approximately 11 divorces per 1,000 women. Wyoming came in fifth place, with 8.9 divorces per 1,000 women. 

Conversely, New Hampshire reportedly has the lowest divorce rate, with 4.3 divorces per 1,000 women. The state also ranks ninth in states where people are most likely to get married.

The State for Lovers

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Photo Credit: EpicStockMedia via

Virginia’s state motto is “Virginia is for lovers,” but it didn’t rank on either list of states where Americans are most and least likely to get married. The motto’s origins aren’t connected to relationships, tough. Coined by ad agency George Woltz of Martin & Woltz Inc. in 1969, the Virginia State Travel Service adopted the slogan to promote tourism.  

The phrase caught on among young people in the late 1960s, possibly due to pop culture’s obsession with love, from the bestselling book Love Story to the “Peace and Love” associated with the Woodstock Music Festival. Nowadays, Virginians use the slogan to inspire everything from beers at breweries to special meals at local restaurants. 

10 New York City Facts Outsiders Would Never Guess Are True

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Image Credit: oneinchpunch/

There’s more to the Big Apple than meets the average tourist’s eye. From quirky historical tidbits to mind-boggling statistics, these are surprising facts about New York City that non-locals can’t wrap their heads around.

10 New York City Facts Outsiders Would Never Guess Are True

8 Oh-So-True Differences Between Miamians and New Yorkers

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From the climate to how locals spend their weekends, Miamians and New Yorkers often feel like they’re living on different planets. Whether you call one of these cities home or have visited them, we guarantee we’ll leave you nodding your head and chuckling at how stark and undeniably true these differences are.

8 Oh-So-True Differences Between Miamians and New Yorkers

New Yorkers Least Likely to Get Married, Study Reveals

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Virginia City Is #1 Safest Suburb in America, Study Reveals

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The feeling of unity within a community and the relative affordability of a home away from the hustle and bustle of city life make suburbs attractive to many Americans. In a recent study, SmartAsset identified the 10 safest suburbs in the United States.

Can you guess which Virginia city claimed the number one spot?

Safety First 

Mother walking with child down the sidewalk.
Photo Credit: roberjzm via

SmartAsset analyzed data for 370 suburbs of the 100 largest US cities to determine which are the safest. Violent and nonviolent crime rates, roadway safety, and drug and alcohol abuse were among the factors analyzed since they can significantly affect residents’ quality of life. 

1: Great Falls, VA

Great Falls, Virginia.
Photo Credit: eurobanks via

The safest suburb in the US is Great Falls, Virginia. Nestled on the banks of the Potomac River, Great Falls is a short drive from downtown Washington, DC. It’s an exceptionally safe suburb with the second-lowest violent crime rate and eighth-lowest vehicle mortality rate of the suburbs studied. Additionally, less than 15% of Great Falls residents 18 years and older engage in excessive drinking. 

2: Carmel, IN

Carmel, Indiana
Photo Credit: Ted via

As a major suburb of Indianapolis, Carmel is widely adored for its liveliness and neighborly feel. It was named the 2023 Best Small City in America by WalletHub and also shines in its safety. Carmel demonstrates a solid commitment to road safety, with 4.86 vehicle-related fatalities per 100,000 residents, the 23rd lowest overall. 

3: Bethesda, MD

Bethesda, Maryland.
Photo Credit: Photo VoJo via

Bethesda, another suburb near Washington, DC, is a safe area with one of the lowest vehicle mortality rates across SmartAsset’s study. It also has the 10th-lowest percentage of people who drink excessively out of 370 suburbs. 

4: Fishers, IN

Fishers train station in Indiana.
Photo Credit: imagindiana via

Known as one of America’s friendliest towns, it’s no surprise that Fishers landed a spot in the top five. It has a low vehicle mortality rate, similar to Carmel, and the property crime rate is among the lowest in the study. Regarding violent crime, Fishers has 84% fewer incidents on average than other suburbs.  

5: Noblesville, IN

County courthouse in Branden, Indiana.
Photo Credit: Branden via

Indiana has an impressive streak on this list, with a third suburb appearing: Noblesville. Ranking among the safest in America, Noblesville joins the other Indiana suburbs with a remarkably low vehicle mortality rate. The Hamilton County city property crime rate is 90% lower than any other suburbs in the study. 

6: Lehi, UT

Lehi Utah.
Photo Credit: Jason via

Lehi, a popular suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah, is another exceptionally safe area to call home. This fast-growing city has notably low property crime rates, with 1,012 per 100,000 residents, and vehicular mortality, 5.4 per 100,000 residents.

7: Fort Bliss, TX

Flowering cactus.
Photo Credit: ccestep8 via

Looking to move to the Lone Star State? Several Texas suburbs, including Fort Bliss, landed on the list of safest cities. With a particularly low cost of living, safety is only part of its appeal. It boasts low rates of each category in the study, particularly vehicular mortality, with only 11.3 mortalities per 100,000 residents. 

8: Frisco, TX

Areal view of Frisco, Texas.
Photo Credit: Nryan5714/Wirestock Creators via

Home to the Dallas Cowboys, Frisco is a rapidly growing Texas suburb, increasing its population by 72% in the last decade. It’s one of the safest cities in the country, with an impressively low crime rate. Plus, Frisco’s drug mortality rate is among the lowest in the study. 

9: Dacula, GA 

Path through a pine tree forest
Photo Credit: BradleyWarren via

While it has been known as a quiet town for years, Dacula is on the rise, growing 8.7%, according to US Census data. Its affordability makes it appealing to families with a tight housing budget. The small suburb of Atlanta boasts a low crime rate and a notably lower vehicular mortality rate than many other suburbs. 

10: Castle Rock, CO 

Castle Rock, Colorado.
Photo Credit: Robert Arthur Media via

Known as a midway point between Denver and Colorado Springs, Castle Rock is a beautiful suburb. Its relatively low crime rates and proximity to nature landed it on Livability’s list of best places to live in America. SmartAsset noted its low vehicular mortality rate, at 4.6 per 100,000 residents. 

Affordable Living 

Countryside in Indiana.
Photo Credit: nblxer via

In addition to identifying the safest suburbs, SmartAsset also listed the most affordable ones. If you’re pinching pennies, Indiana is the place to be. Both Carmel and Fisher were named the cheapest of the safest suburbs in America, where housing costs comprise about 15% of each city’s median household income. 

Honorable Mentions 

Happy neighbors.
Photo Credit: caftor via

While the suburbs on this list have notably low violent crime rates, many cities with the lowest rates didn’t make the top ten. Residents of Edgerton, Wisconsin; Mason and Canal Winchester, Ohio; Key Biscayne, Florida; Northbrook and Orland Park, Illinois; and more experience 35 violent crimes or less per 100,000 people. 

Sobering Stats 

Woman pushing away a glass of alcohol.
Photo Credit: Pormezz via

Heavy drinkers can create unsafe environments for those who live around them. Overall, Utah and Oklahoma suburbs have the lowest percentage of heavy drinkers. Lehi, Utah, has the lowest population engaging in excessive drinking by a wide margin, at just 6.74%. Layton and Draper, Utah, also had low rates, along with Okmulgee, Jenks, Owasso, and Shawnee, Oklahoma. 

Buckle Up 

The buckle of a seatbelt.
Photo Credit: Pormezz via

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of fatalities in America. Despite heavy traffic in Boston, its suburbs have the lowest rates of fatal car accidents. Lexington, Somerville, and Chelsea, Massachusetts, place first, second, and fourth for the metric, respectively.

Not So Fast

Downtown New York City.
Photo Credit: Luciano Mortula-LGM via

Despite suburban populations continuing to increase, Pew Research Center ran a study that discovered that suburban counties are falling behind the gains that many urban centers are making. They cite less engagement in the labor market, reduced household incomes, and housing stock value lagging behind those in central cities as reasons for this change.

Demographic Trends

Man looking at his laptop.
Photo Credit: Jelena via

Pew Research Center found another contributing factor to the disproportionate gains between suburbs and urban centers is that suburbs are losing working-age Americans. Many people in the 25 to 44-year age group are choosing to live in urban counties, lowering suburb contributions from a key part of the American age demographic.

10 Best Virginia Cities for Retirees

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Photo Credit: via

Virginia is more than just for lovers. From access to luxurious golf courses and iconic landmarks to awe-inspiring nature and national parks, it can also be a fantastic place for retirees. That is, if you pick the right area.

10 Best Virginia Cities for Retirees

15 Ways You Can Totally Tell Someone Is a Virginia Transplant

Untitled design 2025 01 21T120904.354
Image Credit: Look Studio/

If you’ve ever wondered what gives away a Virginia transplant (or want your transplant self to fit in more), these are some telltale signs you’re interacting with a Virginia transplant.

15 Ways You Can Totally Tell Someone Is a Virginia Transplant

Virginia City Is #1 Safest Suburb in America, Study Reveals

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Virginia Among States Where Most Book Bans Occur in School Libraries

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The growing trend of banning books in schools across the United States is prompting important questions, making us reflect on the balance between safeguarding students and preserving intellectual freedom.

According to Pen America, ten states are at the forefront of the debate, banning significantly more book titles than the rest. Do you know where Virginia falls?


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Photo Credit: aeroking via

Data collected by Pen America reveals book bans initiated between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023, at the school district level. The information snapshot provides key insights into where and why districts are choosing to ban books but does not present a comprehensive list. Pen America’s experts believe school districts have quietly banned more books than the data accounts for. 

1: Florida

Boardwalk in Florida.
Photo Credit: Beatriz Préve via

Schools have banned 1,406 books in the Sunshine State, more than double that of any other state. Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed the Curriculum Transparency Act, which requires school districts to digitally chronicle all books available to students. Parent groups have used the lists to promote bans on a number of books, including titles like Flower for Algernon and My Sister’s Keeper.   

2: Texas

Texas flag.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Seven school districts in Texas initiated bans on 625 different books. Texas recently enacted a book rating law requiring booksellers to rate public library books for depictions and references to sex. Books must have a rating for schools to acquire them, and books rated “sexually explicit” are not allowed on school shelves. 

3: Missouri

Missouri countryside.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Over three hundred books are banned from certain districts in Missouri. The Show-Me State recently passed a law that bans visual depictions of sexually explicit material in school books. Some of the books removed from St. Louis area shelves include works by William Shakespeare and Mark Twain. 

4: Utah

Arches National Park.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Utah school districts have banned 281 books from school shelves. A 2022 law in the Beehive State bans any title containing “indecent content.” The vague wording of the law has led to the removal of several esteemed works, including Nobel Prize Winner Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.  

5: Pennsylvania

Amish horse and buggy.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

One hundred and eighty-six books are gone from Pennsylvania school library shelves. However, the Keystone State is seeing pushback on the bans. State Senator Amanda Cappelletti recently introduced a bill to stop book bans in the state. 

6: South Carolina

Boardwalk in Port Royal, South Carolina.
Photo Credit: dmsphoto via

South Carolina school districts have banned 127 books. The divide over banning books in the Palmetto State led the South Carolina Department of Education to request an end to its partnership with the South Carolina Association of Librarians who noted concern about the bans.  

7: Virginia

Water mill in Virginia.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Seventy-five books disappeared from school library shelves after districts chose to ban them. Recently implemented Virginia law requires parent notification of any sexually explicit content involved in learning materials. Lawmakers say they never intended for the legislation to become a pretext for book bans. 

8: North Carolina

Blue Ridge Mountains.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

North Carolina banned 58 books during the last school year. Recently passed State Senate Bill 49, known as “The Parent’s Bill of Rights,” gives parents the ability to review and challenge learning materials, including books.  

9: Wisconsin

Three cows looking at the camera.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Books by authors Margaret Atwood and Kurt Vonnegut made the list of school book bans in Wisconsin. Select districts in the Badger State nixed 43 titles, most of which were written for high school audiences. 

10: Michigan

Lake in Michigan.
Photo Credit: csterken via

Thirty-nine titles made the banned book list in Michigan school districts last year. Librarians across the state recently launched a “Right to Read” campaign to help combat the bannings. 

Topics Schools Are Banning Most

Gay pride flag.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Most of the books to make banned lists include themes or instances of violence, sexual abuse, racism, or LGBTQ characters. Transgender characters are in 8% of all banned titles, and 19% of the banned books include an instance of sexual assault. 

Outspoken Minority 

Parents reading with their child.
Photo Credit: Prostock-studio via

Many of the parent challenges that lead to book bans stem from a small number of outspoken individuals. A Washington Post analysis cited by Pen America noted that 66% of the 1,000 challenges examined came from only 11 parents. Often, these individuals are connected to larger national advocacy groups. 

Supercharged By State Law

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Photo Credit: Bits and Splits via

Several book bans are directly related to recently passed state laws. Some of these laws directly prohibit certain content, while others create rules about cataloging titles or informing parents. 

Vague Legislation 

"Read a banned book" sign.
Photo Credit: OntheRun Photo via

Many of the laws have vague wording, which seems to give decision-makers an incentive to lean towards censorship. Some of the laws threaten to punish school administrators or teachers who violate the legislation. 

On the Other Hand

Apple and pencils.
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Parent advocacy groups say many of the banned books include explicit content that they don’t want to be taught in schools. They note that these books are still available in local public libraries and through booksellers, meaning students can access them off campus. 

9 Hilarious Virginia Town Names That’ll Make You LOL

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Image Credit: – Yuri A/

PSA: Read this where you won’t embarrass yourself laughing. Whether you’re a Virginia local or just passing through, these town names are sure to make you chuckle when you see them.

9 Hilarious Virginia Town Names That’ll Make You LOL

15 Ways You Can Totally Tell Someone Is a Virginia Transplant

Untitled design 2025 01 21T120904.354
Image Credit: Look Studio/

If you’ve ever wondered what gives away a Virginia transplant (or want your transplant self to fit in more), these are some telltale signs you’re interacting with a Virginia transplant.

15 Ways You Can Totally Tell Someone Is a Virginia Transplant

Virginia Among States Where Most Book Bans Occur in School Libraries

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