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9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

woman wearing blue robe lying with cucumber on eye

These 9 home remedies to helps in skin glowing.

Both men and women want a healthy, moisturized and glowing skin. There are many home remedies and beauty tips for skin care by natural methods like using fruits, vegetable and much more. I will tell you about 9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing.

Here are the 9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing, looks healthier and smoother:

1. Baking Soda for Skin Glowing:

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Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda with 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon honey in a bowl. Apply it on your face and neck using round motions. Rinse with cold water after 10 minutes and pat dry. Moisturize as usual. Apply this remedy once a week.

Baking soda exfoliates dead skin cells and also neutralizes the skin’s PH. It softens the skin and heals any infection that may be appeared as well. Extra virgin olive oil works to get rid of the old dry skin by revealing new, younger skin underneath. Honey is naturally antibacterial. It is great for slowing down ageing. It is extremely moisturizing and soothing your face.


2. Turmeric Remedy for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Mix the 1/2-1 teaspoon turmeric powder with the 4 tablespoons gram flour (also called chickpea flour). To this, add enough milk or water to form a paste. Apply this to your face and neck. Leave it for 15 to 20 mins. Rinse with simple water. Use this face pack twice per week.

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Turmeric includes curcumin, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’ll get rid of the harmful free radicals that are damaging the skin. It also enhances collagen production, and this keeps your skin flexible and sparkling. Gram flour softly cleanses the skin to make it smooth, clean and white.


3. Mango Seed Oil for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Mango seed oil is a superb moisturizer. The butter acquires from mango seed is used in lots of lotions as well to nourish and moisturize your skin. This mango butter is non-oily and non-greasy while applied on the face.


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Mango seed butter is a fantastic boon for dry skin. It is the initial most lotion for dry skin, mainly for the sensitive areas like eyes, cheeks, and so on. It consists of a very soft and gentle ingredient and acts as a barrier to prevent skin drying.


4. Coconut Oil Remedy for Skin Glowing:

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Lightly warm up the Virgin coconut oil and gently apply it on your face and neck. Message for few minutes in circular motions. Leave the oil on overnight. You can also add some sugar to the oil and use it as a scrub to smoothens your skin once or twice a week.

Coconut oil is the superb moisturizer for skin. This works great for dry and skin. Coconut oil seals the moisture in the skin and further nourishes it with vital fatty acids. Its phenolic compounds contribute to its antioxidant activity and keep your skin glowing.


5. Rose Water for Skin Glowing:

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Keep the rose water in the fridge for half of an hour. Dip the cotton ball in the rose water and gently apply it over the face and neck. Repeat this every morning and evening.

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Rose water helps in reducing the redness of the irritated skin. Commonly used as a skin toner and for cleanses and it refreshes the skin. It softens your skin and works for anti-ageing and brightens your skin tone by means of stimulating blood circulation and also balances the PH of the skin.


6. Aloe Vera for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Mix 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel with a pinch of turmeric, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon milk. Apply this on your face and neck. Leave it for 20 mins. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry. Apply this face pack twice a week.

Aloe vera gel is the primary solution for skin damage. It reduces skin inflammation. Regularly applying aloe vera gel to your face can help make your skin tone clearer and smoother. It’s nourishing and healing properties renew the skin to give it a natural glow.


7. Orange Juice And Peel for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Juice the oranges (3-4) and add salt and black pepper to taste before drinking it. Drink a glass of orange juice every day.

Orange juice detoxifies the body. Its vitamin C content clears your complexion, providing you with sparkling skin with in no time.

Grind the orange peel (few pieces) with the rose water (2 teaspoons) to form a paste. Apply it over the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Orange contains large amounts of citric acid and vitamin C, which refreshes the skin and relieve acne. It also smoothens the skin and gives it a natural glow.


8. Milk for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Mix 2 teaspoons milk with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon besan (gram flour) to form a homogenous paste. Apply this over the face and leave it for 20 mins. Allow the pack to dry. Rinse with warm water. Apply this twice a week.

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This is an ancient formula for the healthy and radiant skin. Raw milk contains skin-friendly components like saturated fats, protein, calcium, and vitamin C. Lactic acid in milk helps reduce pigmentation, heal dry skin, hydrate skin and relieve sunburn.  Honey is familiar with its moisturizing and antibacterial properties. It acts as a great anti-ageing.


9. Green Tea for Skin Glowing:

9 Home Remedies to make Skin Glowing

Boil 1 tablespoon green tea leaves in a cup of water. When they impart color, remove from the flame. Cool it and add two teaspoons from it in a bowl. To this, add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar and 1 teaspoon of cream, and mix well. Apply it over the face and scrub gently in circular motions. Leave it for 10 mins. Rinse with cool water. Apply this once or twice a week.

Green tea has anti-ageing and antioxidant properties which help in removing the signs skin ageing, includes sagging skin, sun damage, age spots, and wrinkles. Green tea leaves are rich in flavonoids, which hold the collagen production in the skin. It continues the elasticity of the skin, which makes your skin glow, and removes the signs and symptoms of skin ageing. The polyphenols in green tea help neutralize dangerous free radicals


These 9 home remedies helps you to enhance your skin beauty. You should have to try it.

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A blog which focuses on business, Networth, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Self Improvement, Celebrities, Top Lists, Travelling, Health, and lifestyle. A source that provides you with each and every top piece of information about the world. We cover various different topics.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jay Altman

    September 30, 2019 at 12:36 pm

    Amazing post. Do you have any other ones you can put? I highlyrate it. 🙂

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Postpartum Transformation: Strategies for Achieving Your Pre-Mom Shape

mother carrying baby

Bringing new life into this world is one of the most monumental events in a woman’s life. The postpartum period, however, brings with it a series of physical and emotional changes, challenging new moms as they strive to regain their pre-pregnancy fitness levels.

If you’re a new mother or a postpartum fitness enthusiast, this guide is crafted to support you in your transformation journey.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Postpartum Body

Pregnancy and childbirth cause significant transformations in the body. Abdominal muscles stretch, hormones fluctuate, and the spine may have shifted. It’s vital to recognize that the process of postpartum recovery is unique for everyone. Factors such as the type of delivery, genetics, and lifestyle contribute to the path of physical recuperation. Here, patience is key.

At first, focus on healing, and gradually introduce gentle movements. Over time, this can involve more intensive exercises, helping rebuild core strength and realign your posture. Setting realistic goals is imperative — your body has just performed an extraordinary feat. Give it the time it needs to heal and recover.

Nutrition for Postpartum Recovery

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in postpartum recovery and weight management. While it’s common to be eager to return to pre-pregnancy weight, keep in mind that gradual weight loss is healthier and more sustainable. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Plenty of Nutrients: Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support recovery and provide energy.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Staying hydrated aids in milk production and reduces hunger pangs.
  • Meal Timing: With a newborn, regular meal timings can be challenging. Prepare healthy snacks in advance to avoid skipping meals or reaching for unhealthy options.
  • Calorie Intake: Although calorie needs vary, aim for a gradual calorie reduction if your goal is to lose weight. Consult with a dietitian to determine a suitable intake for your needs.
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Remember, weight lost too quickly can lead to a drop in milk supply and reduced energy levels. The emphasis should be on nourishing your body for optimal recovery.

Safe and Effective Postpartum Exercises

Incorporating exercises into your routine can significantly aid in postpartum recovery. Safe and effective exercises will help you regain strength and energy. Among the best postnatal exercises are:

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Kegels and deep core work are fundamental to a postpartum exercise regimen. They help alleviate back pain and strengthen the pelvic floor, essential after birth.
  • Cardiovascular Activities: Walking, swimming, or using a stationary bike can be started as early as a few days after delivery (given medical clearance). These are excellent for burning calories and boosting your mood.
  • Postnatal Yoga and Pilates: These are gentle ways to strengthen the core and stabilize muscles, promoting flexibility and relaxation.
  • Strength Training: Using light weights or resistance bands can assist in toning the body, focusing on major muscle groups such as arms, legs, back, and chest.

Always listen to your body and start with those exercises that feel comfortable. Over time, gradually increase the duration and intensity, always paying attention to any discomfort or pain.

Mental Health and Well-being

Physical recovery is just one aspect of the postpartum transformation. Mental health and well-being are equally important. The postpartum period can be overwhelming, and it’s okay to not feel okay. Here are strategies to support your mental health:

  • Stay Connected: Share your feelings with your partner, family, or friends. Join a postnatal support group if you feel isolated. Talking to others who are experiencing similar challenges can be incredibly comforting.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Finding time for yourself can be tough, but it’s crucial for your well-being. Even small acts of self-care, like taking a relaxing bath or reading a book, can make a significant difference.
  • Manage Expectations: It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap in the age of social media. Remember that every mother’s postpartum experience is unique. Focus on your progress and don’t measure yourself against unrealistic standards.
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Consider seeking professional help if you’re struggling with your mental health. There’s no shame in needing support, and it’s a brave step towards your overall well-being.

Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Success

Lastly, postpartum transformation requires a holistic approach, integrating physical activity with lifestyle changes. Altering daily routines and habits to include more movement, better nutrition, and mental health practices can have profound effects on your postpartum recovery.

For some, considering professional guidance or treatments like a mommy makeover in Utah may offer additional support in reclaiming their pre-pregnancy body. These procedures, which should be considered only after a thorough discussion with a healthcare provider, can address physical concerns that are not always resolved through exercise and diet alone.

Remember, the goal is to feel healthy, strong, and confident in your body after all it has accomplished. With patience, self-care, and a positive mindset, you can achieve your postpartum transformation goals. Keep in mind that everyone’s journey is unique, so be kind to yourself and celebrate your progress every step of the way.  So, do not rush or get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

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A blog which focuses on business, Networth, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Self Improvement, Celebrities, Top Lists, Travelling, Health, and lifestyle. A source that provides you with each and every top piece of information about the world. We cover various different topics.

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